Over-ear gaming headset This over-ear gaming headset with foldable microphone and adjustable headband will suit all your gaming needs perfectly. Whether you choose to play on PC, laptop, PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X or Switch, you are on your way to sounding victories!
Neem de controle over De 40mm luidsprekerunits geven je het geluid waar je naar zoekt. Verbindt de 2 meter lange kabel met 3.5mm jack aansluiting met je console of verbindt de verlengingskabel om te gebruiken met je PC of laptop. Luister naar het geluid van de zege.
Communicate effectively The Ravu headset features a foldable microphone with an omnidirectional recording pattern. It picks up your voice easily while talking to friends. You can bend the microphone into any position that is best for you. Not a word will be missed while talking to your teammates! With the in-line remote, you can adjust the volume as well as mute the microphone when in need of some peace and quiet.
Long lasting comfort The Ravu is designed for long and intense gaming sessions with its comfortable over-ear pads. These help to cancel any noise when you are playing a battle against or with your friends.